Jan 21


Designing a utility battery storage playbook

1.21.24 - 1:30 EST- Battery storage is becoming a cornerstone of modern utility operations, providing essential services like grid balancing, peak shaving, and renewable energy integration. As the technology matures, utilities are working to reduce their reliance on outside vendors by building internal strategies and teams to reduce risk and increase the value of battery storage.

Dec 10


Can these policies change transmission’s trajectory?

12.10.24 - 1:30 EST - As the backbone of the electrical grid, transmission infrastructure is critical to ensuring reliable and affordable energy delivery. However, new transmission development has plateaued in recent years, creating bottlenecks for both new clean energy resources attempting to connect to the grid and surging load growth.

Nov 04


Threat or opportunity? How utilities view surging data center growth

Nov. 4, 2024 | 1:30 p.m., ET
What do electric utilities really think about data centers?

Oct 10


How utilities are utilizing AI to prevent wildfires

October 10, 11 AM ET
This webinar will dive deep into how AI-powered tools are transforming the way utilities predict, prevent, and manage wildfires.

Sep 26


Digital Integration for Grid Interconnection Tools, Analysis, and Logic

(September 6 ) | 2 pm ET
Growing interconnection queues can be addressed by standardizing and automating processes across Transmission Providers (TP, ISO, RTO) and Transmission Owners (TO).

Sep 10


Beyond ProcessBook and PI Vision: Exploring Today’s Industrial Analytics Alternatives​

September 10 | 1 PM ET
​​In the Manufacturing 4.0 era, industrial organizations have more data at their fingertips than ever, offering the promise of higher production rates, more consistent quality, and reduced costs through data-driven strategies.

Jun 06


​Simplifying measurement in RNG production – Monitor biogas process with ease and affordability

June 6, 2024 | 2 pm ET
Choosing the right tech for your operations can have significant effects on the effort it takes to maintain tight controls, and can influence costs.

May 15

Hexagon Safety Webinar Image

Moving to renewables: Planning your foundational network

May 15, 2024 | 10 ET
In this webinar, find out how digitizing grid data can help your utility gain insights, identify patterns and make informed decisions based on data-driven predictions. Learn how utilities are swiftly embracing sustainability amidst climate change and resource depletion. Discover practical steps for modernizing operations while ensuring reliability. Hear success stories from leading utilities paving the way to a greener future.

Mar 20

HSI - Getting Started: How Technology Improves Utility Systems

Getting Started: How Technology Improves Utility Systems

March 20, 2024 | 1 ET
In this webinar, our experts will illustrate the benefits and simplicity of consolidating incident management, asset management, policies and procedures, and other utility-specific tasks into a unified software solution.
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