Global Hydropower Day, on Oct. 11, 2024, will celebrate the positive impacts of sustainable hydropower on people and communities around the world.
Spearheaded by the International Hydropower Association (IHA) — with support from a coalition of developers, operators, manufacturers and industry associations around the world — this day will shine a light on the power that can be harnessed with sustainable hydropower.
Various videos, case studies, stories and more will be represented throughout the day, covering what can be achieved “#WithHydropower.” There will be global representation from this year’s World Hydropower Outlook and a highlight on the hydropower workforce and its crucial role in keeping the lights on.
Hydropower is the oldest form of renewable energy and has a key role to play alongside all forms of clean energy to push the world toward a net zero future.
IHA will be featuring videos of a “normal day” in hydro plants and is accepting submissions to show off. Additionally, IHA will be producing a video from across the hydropower sector that celebrates one person from a company and their critical role that makes hydropower possible.
Additionally, IHA is requesting those who work in hydropower to submit stories they’re proud of or what they have accomplished in the past year. Those with questions on how to get involved are requested to contact [email protected].
Those wishing to celebrate Global Hydropower Day can join the sustainable hydropower community for a webinar that celebrates inspirational stories. The event will feature speakers from across the world covering a range of themes including sustainability, maintenance and workforce.
This event will be a showcase for hydropower projects, the obstacles they have overcome, and what lessons they have learned to help future projects double the hydropower needed by 2050 to meet net zero goals.
The webinar will include a detailed review of the 2024 World Hydropower Outlook, with a focus on the Americas, new projects in development and upcoming policy changes to accelerate renewable energy initiatives. Attendees will also gain insights from the Hydropower Sustainability Alliance on the Hydropower Sustainability Standard and how to use it, in addition to a deep dive into a case study from South America: the Jirau hydropower plant, which earned South America’s first Gold Certification in 2023 from the Hydropower Sustainability Standard.
The webinar will take place at 10:00 GMT on 11 October 2024 – register here.