Small Hydro

Uganda names Norway firm to build 7.5-MW Birara River

The government of Uganda named Jacobsen Elektro AS of Norway to build a 7.5-MW hydroelectric project on the Birara River.

The state-run New Vision said the project, on the border of Kanungu and Rukungiri districts, will be supervised by the Uganda Rural Electrification Agency.

Jacobsen Elektro also contracted New Plan Consulting Engineers to perform a feasibility study and environmental impact assessment. New Plan is to complete the first phase of the study and assessment by the end of 2009.

Officials of Jacobsen Elektro and the Uganda Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development are to examine the results after which construction is to begin.

Australia consultant to plan expansion of 4-MW Afulilo

Samoa’s Ministry of Finance has named SMEC International Pty Ltd. of Australia to develop a plan to augment the capacity of Samoa’s 4-MW Afulilo hydroelectric project.

SMEC received a US$1 million contract to prepare the Afulilo Environmental Enhancement Project.

Turbine rehab awarded for Sweden’s 9-MW Edsforsen

Hydropower operator Fortum Generation AB awarded a contract to Litostroj E.I. of Slovenia to refurbish two turbines at the 9-MW Edsforsen project on Sweden’s Klaralven River.

Litostroj will supply two new Kaplan turbine runners and perform related refurbishment work at the Edsforsen plant, which was built in 1949.

Work is to include design and equipment for refurbishing the vertical shaft units, with new runners, new inner head covers, new turbine shafts, and other parts. Work is to be performed in 2010 and 2011.

Austria agency names supplier for Kainischtraun piping

Osterreichische Bundesforste AG (OBf) named Austrian firm Etertec Tiefbau GmbH to supply pressure piping for the 3.5-MW Kainischtraun hydroelectric project.

Etertec Tiefbau GmbH is supplying 3,600 meters of pressure pipe and fittings for the small hydro project in Kainisch and Bad Aussee.

ESHA celebrates anniversary and achievements

The European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA) is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.

Looking toward the future, ESHA said a newly adopted renewable energy sources directive paving the way for 20 percent renewable energy by 2020 will bring a new drive for sustainable hydropower development in the European Union (EU).

The organization also said it plans to continue to represent the interest of sustainable hydropower within the renewable energy family, thereby contributing to EU’s security of energy supply, to economic development, and to abatement of climate change.

Representation over 20 years has served to position the small hydro sector and enabled it to effectively promote the beneficial use of hydropower in the EU, ESHA said. It has helped encourage the development of small hydropower – projects with an installed capacity of up to 10 MW – through lobbying and other activities, including conferences, seminars, workshops, and studies.

The non-profit association based in Brussels, Belgium, promotes small hydro plants and emphasizes environmental integration. ESHA was created through an initiative of the European Commission in 1989 and has represented the interests of the small hydropower sector in the EU since that time. ESHA is a founding member of the European Renewable Energy Council. It also is a member of the Alliance for Rural Electrification.

Mavel equips refurbishment of Finland’s 862-kW Finnholm

Czech equipment supplier Mavel a.s. received a contract from Vaasa Engineering Oy of Finland to supply a turbine for refurbishment of the 862-kW Finnholm hydroelectric project on Finland’s Ahtavanojoki River.

Mavel said it is to provide a double-regulated Kaplan bulb turbine, steel intake, draft tube, and lubricating and cooling system. The Mavel KA1800K4 turbine has a runner diameter of 1,800 millimeters and four runner blades.

Finnholm, which is owned by Oy Herrfors Ab, has a net head of 5.35 meters and a flow of 18.5 cubic meters per second. Mavel expects to commission the unit in September 2009.

On line reports: Macedonia, Norway, Panama, Peru

New and refurbished small hydropower projects in Macedonia, Norway, Panama, and Peru are now operating.

Utility EVN Macedonia brought on line the refurbished and upgraded 9.6-MW Matka hydroelectric project on Macedonia’s Treska River. The Macedonian Information Agency said Hydropol of the Czech Republic refurbished Matka under a concession to modernize and manage seven small hydro plants. New turbines and other equipment were supplied by GE Norway, while generators were provided by INDAR Spain. Matka, formerly totaling 3.7 MW, was built in 1938.

Norway utility Statkraft began operation of the 2.9-MW Rodberg hydroelectric project in Norway’s Buskerud County. The project uses 60 percent of the water drop between the 206-MW Nore 1 and 63-MW Nore 2 hydro projects by using the minimum flow release from Rodberg Dam. The plant is to have an average annual generation of 15.5 gigawatt-hours. Statkraft said development of Rodberg meets the government’s and Statkraft’s goal of upgrading and extending its existing hydropower projects.

Developer Istmus Hydro Power Corp. has commissioned its 10-MW Concepcion hydropower project on the Piedra River in Panama’s Chiriqui Province. The project is 500 kilometers west of Panama City in the Chico River Basin. Equipment supplier Mavel a.s. of the Czech Republic said Istmus Hydro contracted a consortium of ABB Inc. and Mavel to provide equipment and supervise installation and commissioning.

Canada tungsten miner Malaga Inc. placed the 600-kW Pasto Bueno project into commercial operation on the Pelagatos River at Malaga’s Pasto Bueno mining operation in northern Peru. Hidropesac, Malaga’s joint hydro venture with Emerging Power Developers S.A. of Switzerland and Peru energy company Electrokraft S.A., brought the project’s 450-kW horizontal and 150-kW vertical Pelton turbines on line. Stucky Ltd. of Switzerland assisted the development. Hidropesac invested more than US$3 million in the project. Construction was financed through sale of carbon credits under the United Nations’ Clean Development Mechanism.

Briefly …

The board of Brazil’s Agencia Nacional de Energia Eletrica (ANEEL) approved the application of Casa de Pedra Energia Ltda. to act as an independent power producer by deployment and operation of the 8-MW Rio dos Indios hydro project. ANEEL also authorized Ferro Liga Ltda. to act as a self-generator of electricity through development and operation of 1.5-MW Maria Celia Mauad Notini, in Minas Gerais State. … The African Development Bank approved a loan and a grant totaling 11 million Units of Account (US$16.4 million) to fund an electricity supply project in Lesotho. The project focuses on renewable energy, including mini-hydropower projects. … Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. acquired a 50 percent stake in the Caribbean portfolio of Marubeni Corp., including 40 percent of Jamaica Public Service Co. and its eight small hydroelectric plants totaling 21 MW. The US$320 million deal forms a joint venture portfolio of equity stakes in generation and transmission facilities in Jamaica, the Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, and Curacao.

wind turbines in front of an orange sunset

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