Brown Bear II Hydro Inc. has filed its final license application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for continued operation of the 19.4 MW Worumbo hydro project (P-3428) in Maine.
The current operating license for the project, on the Androscoggin River in Androscoggin County, was issued effective Dec. 1, 1985, for a period of 40 years. The license expires on Nov. 30, 2025.
The project consists of:
- 870-foot-long dam/spillway consisting of various sections, including a 116-foot-long gated flood spillway, a 233-foot-long concrete ogee spillway with crest elevation of 97 feet mean sea level (msl) with 2-foot-high hinged flashboards, and a 516-foot-long concrete dam section with a crest elevation of 97 feet msl equipped with independently operable pneumatic flashboard sections;
- Intake section;
- Upstream and downstream fish passage structures;
- Integral powerhouse equipped with two Kaplan bulb turbine-generator units having a rated total capacity of 19.4-MW at a net operating head of 28.5 feet; and
- Impoundment with a surface area of 215 acres at a normal full pond elevation of 98.5 feet msl.
Average annual generation from the project is 87,203 MWh.
Brown Bear II Hydro said in its filing that no new construction is planned in association with this relicensing.
Brown Bear II Hydro is an affiliate of Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLC. Eagle Creek purchased company, and thus the facility, in November 2016.