Francis Makhanu, chief energy planner with Kenya Electricity Generating Company (Kengen) is speaking during a session in the New Development track at HydroVision International 2019.
The session is entitled: International Perspectives and Projects. This panel will showcase international hydroelectric and pumped storage projects being proposed, design and constructed. Expert speakers would highlight opportunities to provide equipment, goods and services. Case studies would be provided to highlight at least two large-scale hydro or pumped storage projects.
Other participants in this panel include:
Moderator Glen Roberts, director, Global Markets Central California, U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
Marko Tandler, quality manager, Litostroj Steel Ltd., Slovenia
Tashi Pem, chief engineer, Department of Hydropower and Power Systems, Bhutan
Kengen produces about 75% of the electricity capacity installed in Kenya, from a variety of sources including hydropower, geothermal, thermal and wind. Hydro is the company’s leading generating source, with an installed capacity of 819.9 MW or 51% of its total.
Some of its hydro plants are 2-MW Gogo, 225-MW Gitaru, 90-MW Kamburu, 72-MW Kindaruma, 168-MW Kiambere, 40-MW Masinga, 430-kW Mesco, 2-MW Ndula, 1.5-MW Sagana Falls, 60-MW Sondu/Miriu, 20-MW Tana, 106-MW Turkwel, 7.4-MW Wanjii, 400-kW Sosiani and 21-MW Sangoro.
HydroVision International takes place July 23-25, 2019, in Portland, Ore., U.S.
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