This week Connecticut Governor Lamont signed a new law that will require the state to deploy 1 GW of energy storage by 2030 with milestone requirements every three years: 300 MW by 2024, 650 MW by 2027 and 1 GW by 2030.
Connecticut’s regulator the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) will initiate a proceeding to develop and implement one or more programs, and associated funding mechanisms, for electric energy storage resources connected to the electric distribution system and establish different programs for residential storage programs, C&I programs and “front-of-the-meter” programs which would be storage that isn’t owned by a customer. In addition, the bill lays out that hydropower facilities with a nameplate capacity of less than 100 MW may also be used to help meet the goal.
The Energy Storage Association (ESA) applauded the move. In a statement, ESA CEO Jason Burwen said:
“Connecticut today becomes the eighth state to set a storage deployment target, growing in-state storage jobs and investment while accelerating progress toward a decarbonized, resilient power system. We thank Governor Lamont and state Congressional leaders for recognizing the importance of deploying energy storage at scale to ensure electric grid infrastructure is ready for 21st century demands. We look forward to working with the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority and the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to see this target become a reality and bring benefits to all Connecticut residents and businesses.”
PURA chair Marissa Paslick Gillett was a former VP of external affairs with the Energy Storage Association and had explained at a conference in 2019 that energy storage was an important part of her grid modernization goals for the state.
The bill authorizes the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection to issue RFPs for projects once the programs have been developed.