Maryland passes laws to expand community solar and energy storage
A separate bill, House Bill 908, was also approved by the state legislature to make permanent Maryland's community solar pilot program, which was first established in 2015. If signed into law by the governor, the law will require community solar projects to dedicate 40% of output to low and moderate-income (LMI) subscribers.
GO DEEPER: Renewable Properties founder and president Aaron Halimi joined Episode 33 of the Factor This! podcast to discuss the future of community solar in California which, to date, has lagged behind other markets, despite the state's role as a leader of the energy transition. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
There is no cap on the amount of community solar capacity the state could add under the bill. Maryland's community solar pilot program limited overall capacity to 583 MW, including 125 MW for LMI customers, which amounted to 4.55% of the state's peak load.
The law would also require community solar developers to adhere to prevailing wage requirements.
Trevor Laughlin, a policy and regulatory affairs analyst for Maryland-based community solar developer Standard Solar, said the legislation presents "a great opportunity to accelerate the state's shift towards renewable energy."
Laughlin said the legislation is particularly strong due to its focuses on consolidated billing and self-attestations for low-to-moderate income subscribers.
"All states should consider developing similar programs like this one now," he added.
As of January 2022, Maryland had 58 MW of installed community solar capacity, according to a Dept. of Energy tracker.